A major component of the scientific program of ECMI 2018 will be shaped by parallel minisymposia A minisymposium is organized by an active member of our research community on his/her own initiative on a specific conference theme.
The standard format of a minisymposium is: 4 talks, each 25 minutes long (followed by 5 minutes for discussion). However, we can accommodate a limited number of minisymposia with 5 talks.
Prospective organizers of minisymposia having an incomplete session with 3 talks are encouraged to contact the Scientific Committe in order to complete the session with an appropriate contributed talk.
To submit a minisymposium proposal, please provide the following details:
Proposals must be submitted through the Online Conference Service (OCS) not later than 19th January 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be given by 12th February 2018.
The maximum one page abstracts of all talks in an accepted minisymposium must be submitted before 28th February 2018.
The LaTeX template and a PDF file sample for the abstract of a talk can be downloaded from this web-page. The author must submit a compiled PDF file through the Online Conference Service (OCS).